DRIVERWORKS LLC special small-batch FIRE ELIXIR is made with a proprietary blend of fresh horseradish root, ginger root, garlic, white onion, habanero pepper, and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

These natural ingredients are infusion-fermented in glass for six months, allowing for the development not just of vital immune-boosting lactobacteria but also a remarkably pungent, subtle, cohesive and complex flavor profile. Many loyal fans take a spoonful each morning to stimulate immune response and jump-start the body’s natural defenses. Others enjoy a splash in a cocktail, champagne, or even a salad dressing or marinade. A little goes a long way!

Please note that our Fire Elixir is not a fire cider, in that it contains no sweetening agents and is aged for a longer period than most.


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